
Why Now

So, I finally gave in and created a blog. I've been playing with the idea for a while, but finally gave in.

Why a blog?

I've talked to many of my friends who have blogs, trying to figure out what the draw was. Most of the answers were about how a blog provides a form of release for many. But I've never needed that form of release. I've needed to put my life out there for the world to see. But for some reason, here I am, starting a blog.

Why Now?

During this summer, I get to travel and experience Hawaii. By Hawaii I mean the quaint little town of Laie that has one grocery story. So, the girl has been taken out of the city and put into the country - literally.
So now I have this need to document my thoughts and experiences living in a tiny town.
I've always been a city girl, even though I've lived in tiny towns before. But living in tiny towns was never my choice. This time, however, I'm here by choice. I wanted to be here. I chose to be here. And because of this, I need to document this time.

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